Friday, April 24, 2009

BankerMLS Site on Fox6

Today our BankerMLS site is getting extra traffic, more than usual. This morning alone we have over 1800 unique hits to our site— We were featured on Fox 6, WBRC-TV, news. Check out the story from Fox6. Now is a good time to act on foreclosures!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bo Jackson Opened a Bank

Have you heard? Have ya? Yes, Bo Jackson helped charter a new community bank. We all just want to say a quick congratulations to him and his other investors. Taking on the challenge of opening a new community bank is not an easy feat, no matter the economy's status. With the term "bail out" appearing in people's nightmares daily from the financial crisis it needs to be addressed that Bo Jackson's bank is different than a big corporate bank such a Citi Bank. Community banks are not traded on the stock market; most are privately funded by shareholders, shareholders who live in the bank's own communities they serve.

Have you tried your local community bank? What they may lack in numbers of branches they sure make up for in personal service. They are FDIC insured just like your big corporate banks, so give them a chance. Want to make sure a bank you are considering is regulated and insured by the FDIC? Just check here  to find them for peace of mind.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How is Social Media Working for You?

Seriously how many times a day do you hear the word "twitter" in a day? Between the news, shows, newspaper, magazines, the of course the World Wide Web it is hard to ignore Twitter and all of the other social media websites. We just wanted everyone to know that TriNovus has officially joined the social media world. You can find us on Twitter, Blogger (of course if you are reading this post), LinkedIn, and we have plans to join Facebook, YouTube, and MySpace. 

We are curious how has social media worked to your advantage and how it has been a disadvantage for you? I think we all see how powerful it can be, let's find the best way to utilize it!

Latest Press Release

Be sure to check out our latest Press Release for BankerMLS. BankerMLS has formed a partnership with ERA Real Estate.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Our New Website

Today TriNovus just launched its new website. Now you can gather information our latest products and services, read our press releases, and contact us online.

We invite you to take a look around at the newest products we have developed for community banks. We work hard to address needs currently in the marketplace. On our radar right now is the tremendous foreclosure problem our nation is experiencing and the fact that banks are left holding a lot of collateral. Our BankerMLS solution can help with that! Another need that has our attention is the problem banks have effectively managing their third party relationships. The sheer volume of information can be completely overwhelming and if the proper attention is not paid, a lot of opportunities can be missed. In addition because the FDIC is increasing its focus on third party vendor relationships, it was pertinent that solution be developed. We've got it! Our BankerVMS is just what you've been wanting. We appreciate you stopping by and hope that you find something that meets your needs. If you don't, drop us a line and let us know what you're looking for - chances are, we're already working on a solution!